Kitty Holey by Iris Werner |
My friend Iris Werner passed away a few weeks ago. She was 85, the mother of one of my best high school friends, Lisa. Their house was the gathering place for our group of friends. It was fun - full of people and creativity. Iris painted and sewed. She made a gazillion quilts and I wrote about her quilting in my 2005 book, Quilters' Stories.
Iris had a room in the house that I never got to peek into - her sewing room. It held a massive amount of fabric, I imagined. She would warn me away from it, declaring, "It will make your eggs bad." Iris was known for making outrageous comments like that. At her funeral, she actually had a priest talking about her Kitty Holey series (like the painting at right).
This week, Lisa let me see the room.. Both our eggs are gone now, we figured it was safe. Here it is:
I imagined it as a mountain of fabric. Now there is plenty of clutter and wildness (lots of odd, stray fabrics) but nothing close to the volume of fabric I imagined. Maybe Iris thought it was a little messy, hardly anything I am afraid of. It is a light-filled room, surrounded with windows. The sewing machine sits at the far right of the photo.
Lisa, for letting me see the forbidden room as Iris left it. Her
granddaughter Kristin will go through it now and pick fabrics she wants,
how wonderful is that. I also got a picture of a pincushion on the wall
beside Iris' bed, isn't it lovely. She was actually piecing a quilt for
her first great-grandchild, James. All gingham blocks. We need to
finish that quilt for her ...