Tuesday, November 8, 2016

A Quilt for Cassius

I am looking forward to meeting a new little guy named Cassius. He was born a few months ago so I made him this quilt. I followed my old Gee's Bend housetop style blocks - starting with centers and just adding strips log cabin style. I used a few contemporary fabrics but of course, mostly vintage stuff and old shirts. The border fabric came from an old skirt I really like. The quilt measures 42" x 40". That way little Cash can lay on it now but drag it around later.

I actually thought ahead and got his name and birth year on the back before I quilted it.

Here's a close up of the border fabric:


  1. What a good use of housetop blocks. Welcome to the world, Cassius.

  2. Love it! The simple construction and on-hand materials make for a wonderful keepsake.

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