Buttons on yo-yos, I need to make one of these. This is from a Christmas quilt made by Ruth Fladung and Dorothy Franzen.
We all have some doilies stashed away - look at the bold way Ruth Fladung used them in this quilt she made with her granddaughter Leslie Franzen.
More bold vintage big stitch! This quilt was worked on a silky whole cloth in 1971 by Marilyn Davies. Her daughter-in-law Sarah Davies showed the quilt, in her memory....
I was pleased to find a memory quilt with a good story. Annarose Hart made this quilt for her brother Gus - from jeans, including some worn by their father when he was in a roping accident (good news, he survived.....).
I promised the Drag and Brag crowd a bibliography of my talk:
Gee’s Bend: http://www.quiltsofgeesbend.com/
Anna Williams: http://www.equilters.com/annawilliams/index.html
Lucille Young: http://nationalhumanitiescenter.org/ideasv52/fryb.htm
Rosie Lee Tompkins: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/12/11/AR2006121100083.html
Eli Leon: http://www.elileon.com/
Robert Cargo essay about African American quilts: http://www.tfaoi.com/aa/7aa/7aa748.htm
An improv project: http://sewmamasew.com/blog2/2010/04/improvisational-quilting-tree-improv-placemats/
Denyse Schmidt: http://www.dsquilts.com/
Modern quilters: Jacquie Gehring http://tallgrassprairiestudio.blogspot.com/2009/01/project-improv-wont-you-join-me.html