Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Come See My Quilts

My quilts are on display now until the end of February at Do's Deluxe, 416 E. 9th Street in Lawrence. It's Marty Olson's hair salon - I like to say it's an art gallery that fronts as a salon ...

This Friday is Final Friday, Lawrence's monthly art walk in the downtown area. Stop by between 5-8 and we'll drink wine and talk quilts.

Some of you will recognize quilts that have been on this blog in the past but there are a few new ones. See if you find any familiar ones on the wall above.

We hung a few vintage tops on a clothesline in the back room ... drop by and see what you think of that. And if you're in Lawrence it's ok to stop by during the hours Marty is open Wednesday - Saturday.