Monday, December 6, 2010

Behind the scenes with Maggie

Photo courtesy of B.Grubb
We're putting the finishing touches on a new book by Maggie Bonanomi. I'm eager for it to be ready so I can tell you all about it. Today we photographed some items for the cover. There's always a little down time in a photo shoot. As we visited during a lull today, Maggie mentioned that she had recently been working on a small drawing for a tattoo.

I was fascinated. Maggie can draw! If the book business folds, there could be a new career waiting for her. Get your favorite primitive tattoo, by Maggie! We tried out a few designs, what do you think?


  1. Both great. Congratulations on the book!

  2. I don't understand tattoos - why would a person put something permanent on their body.... sure a temp tattoo and the flower design takes my vote.

  3. I'm not fond of tattoos, and have told both my sons that they are taboo. But a Maggie tattoo?... I'm in! LOL!

    Absolutely can't wait to hear more about Maggie's newest book!
    Blessings, Patti
