Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Note the date - we can have a little Hail the Wale pre-party today! Please note the club is meeting in NYC if you happen to be in the neighborhood.

To celebrate in absentia, I'm taking my newest corduroy acquisition to the sewing room. This pink and orange faux herringbone fabric comes from a very gaudy pair of pants unearthed at my favorite thrift shop last week.

Note 6" ruler peeking out on top of truck.

This will be a good distraction from the outdoors today. As I came inside from shoveling, I heard the radio announcer say the temperature had just SPIKED at 9 degrees. woo hoo. There are 5 inches of snow blowing around......

But look at the landscape outside my office window! My husband keeps our birdfeeders there filled and the birds are plentiful, another pleasant distraction on a cold winter day.....that is a chokeberry bush in the foreground.

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