Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A Thrift Shop Quilt Bibliography

Fabric in a quilt I'll post next....
I'm finding this blog to be so helpful. I'm talking to several groups about Thrift Shop Quilts this week. Instead of making up a paper bibliography and hoping to have enough copies on hand, I can just refer you here so you can explore more on this topic yourself.
Here's a list of some spots to learn more about improvised quilts:

International Quilt Study Center collections: http://www.quiltstudy.org/collections/
Robert Cargo essay about African American quilts: http://www.tfaoi.com/aa/7aa/7aa748.htm
Denyse Schmidt: http://www.dsquilts.com/


  1. Funny..in my mind I always associated Pepper Cory with precision and templates! Thanks for the education. Still love the pieces Anna Williams created.

  2. Deb,
    Thanks for all the links. I really enjoyed visiting all of them and had a refresher course!

  3. Sujata - the photo today is for YOU. Isn't that wonderful fabric? I think it would make a great little quilt design!

  4. Thanks for the resource...I will be "favoriting" this page. I love looking through these kind of sites for inspiration!

    Deb from clutteredquilter.blogspot.com

  5. THANKS for the links...Love the Anna Williams quilts - what an inspiration she is.
